Hey Goosebankers

Just a note to let you know we are delighted to be taking part in the Lidl Ireland ‘One Good Club’ Initiative.  Kilcoole LGFA were lucky to be chosen for this nationwide Mental Health Programme in conjunction with Jigsaw Youth Mental Health.  We are one of 25 clubs participating, it will run for 10 weeks from 1st March and we are now encompassing the Club as a whole.  The project is aimed at raising awareness around the importance of mental health amongst teenagers.

The Programme

The five-step programme was developed using the ‘5 a Day for your Mental Health’, an evidence-informed framework, made up of simple actions aimed at boosting your mental health and wellbeing. The steps include ‘Connect’, ‘Be Active’, ‘Take Notice’, ‘Give’ and ‘Keep Learning’.

Each step provides participating clubs with a suite of suggested activities, simple enough to complete without a significant time or resource commitment. Activities include connecting with the community by hosting a coffee morning, organising fun ‘get active’ sessions aimed at younger members of the community not involved in sport or introducing meditation and mindfulness as part of the ‘cool down’ after training.

Youth mental health in Ireland

40% of adolescents aged 12-19 reported experiencing levels of depression outside the normal range, according to My World Survey 2, Ireland’s largest and most comprehensive study of young people’s mental health developed by UCD School of Psychology and Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health.*.

Almost three quarters of females reported that they played sports regularly in the past six months – highlighting the significance of the role sport has to play in the development of positive mental wellbeing in females.

More information can be found on the following links




Please join us in participating in the planned events by keeping an eye on our social media pages.

Be kind.

Yours in sport,


One Good Club
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